The Otter Story Hour
The next show is not currently scheduled. Stay Tuned.
Why is the show called “The Otter Story Hour?”Several nudges and coincidences moved for the selection of this name. This line from Bruce Springsteen’s autobiography, Born to Run helps explain the most important reason. Bruce writes:
“You have to pull up the things that mean something to you in order for them to mean anything to your audience.”
Otters pull their food, their sustenance, their life up from the bottom. When they get to the surface they float on their back, crack open the shell and get the life they need. This looks to us like such fun. If you have had the joy of watching otters you know you can hardly look away because it seems so fascinating and delightful. For the otter getting what they have pulled up and cracked open off their chest is a most vital activity.
Our Otter storytellers pull up meaningful experiences from the depths of their lives, crack them open on their heart to expose what is tender and get them off their chest. When they do this we are all nourished, strengthened, enlivened. They re-mind us what we love about life. We can’t help watching.
That is the heart reason we call it The Otter Story Hour.
Here are the upcoming dates/themes: July 10, 2022, August 14, 2022 and September 11, 2022
Line up for the Otter Story Hour - January 6, 2020 Ashton Clarke, Cara Lopez Lee, Kevin McGeehan, Christine Gentry, Alex Stein, Kelly Spillman and Rex McDaniel.
Line up at Otter Story Hour in August 2019 - Women’s Night!!! Kris Crenwelge, Jen Curcio, Julietta Gilbert, Robin Reiser, Kelly Spillman, Miyo Yamauchi and Julia Lechner
“Serendipitous, that’s the word....I’ve experienced a lot of loss recently, friends who left too I badly needed a break. And I found it in this unlikely place...a speakeasy-esque basement of an Irish bar. I was there to support my dear treasured friend...but I got more in the uplifted was I by the wise funny surprising stories so well told from these perceptive raconteurs. And it was a lineup of all women!! Serendipity, indeed. Thank you Otter Story Hour for resurrecting and reviving the art of a story well told. Brava Otter, brava storytellers!!”
Otter Story Hour Tellers - December 2019 - Kris Crenwelge, Brian McDaniel, Rex McDaniel, Aaron Yenney, Ty Fance, Dylan Brody, John Mather.
Have you ever been.....detained, defeated or denied......lost, lonely or looney.....promoted, provoked or propelled? These experiences (and hundreds of others) are the kernels of great stories. Stories that would enrich and encourage you to prepare and share and would nourish and delight the rest of us to hear and digest. The Otter Story Hour exists to give us chance, a reason to experience this encouragement and nourishment. Send a pitch to Rex McDaniel at Do you have some doubts about your story and/or your ability to tell it? Check out Otter Story Coaching. Exciting collaboration is just a click away.
The Lineup at The Otter Story Hour in May 2019- Katie Dahlstrom, DJ Cooch, Kevin McGeehan, Oscar Sagastume, Rex McDaniel, Dylan Brody and Liz Glazer.
“It is always a unique experience for me to share what I do for a living and what I happen to be passionate about. But even more than that, I loved being able to listen to other story tellers. It was inspiring and I am amazed by the talents people have and the lives they have lived. Being able to both share my story and listen to others created a unique community for the evening where connections were made with people I would never have otherwise known.”
Line up for Otter Story Hour in September 2020 - Ty Fance, Rich Tackenberg, Kelly Spillman, Aaron Yenney, Courtney Crane and Rex McDaniel
OSH lineup in March 2020 - Rex McDaniel, Stuart Jacobson, Frank Mundo, Richard Tom and Matt Struski.